Roast Pork, Apples & Potatoes

by Jennifer Wheeler

This is the ultimate slow-cooked comfort meal. The oven is on for hours, so pick a chilly day, but don’t fret: with very little prep, it’s mostly hands-off cooking. Everything is done in the oven, including the apples. The bigger the better for the pork roast, so invite some friends over to help you enjoy!


  • Ingredients: Bone-in pork shoulder, 8-10 pounds, russet potatoes, apples, onions.
  • Budget: pork shoulder (also called pork butt) is usually around $2/pound! When cooked slowly, it’s delicious. Apples and potatoes, also on budget.
  • Nutrition: A huge meaty bone, plus bits of cooked meat and cartilage are the centerpiece for the dogs, but they will also get plenty of vitamins and minerals from potato skins and raw apples.
  • Waste Not: That big bone that makes the meat tender when cooked is certainly not to be wasted, it’s a special treat for a big dog! We picked our own organic apples which came with a few bruises and speckles. The dogs get the ugly parts raw, because they are still delicious. Leftover potato skins will also not go to waste – our girls don’t like them but the pups will gobble them up.

The Humans Get: 

Slow-roasted pork. Cook it at 300 degrees for 6 hours, until it is falling off the bone. You’ll need to baste it occasionally (and if you have time, refrigerate it overnight with a rub of kosher salt and sugar before cooking), and the result is beautiful. 90 minutes before cooking time is over, pop in the potatoes, chopped apples and onions on a baking sheet. It’s all ready at the same time and delicious!

The Big Guy Gets:

The giant bone from the middle of the roast. This will keep him busy for hours! When he is finished with the bone he will go back to the bowl for the apples and potatoes. 

The Little Guy Gets:

Pork skin, cartilage, cooked meat, jus, potatoes, and apples all mixed together. He is a bit fussy, but by using the jus to flavor the apples and potatoes he will eat it.  

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Winter Gear

By Jennifer Wheeler|January 12th, 2021|Categories: Training & Care|Tags: |

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About the author

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Jennifer is a writer and graduate of NYU School of Law. Jennifer researches and writes original, science-based articles for the NYC Doggies blog, and her writing on other topics can be found in the Huffington Post. Jennifer and Ovidiu have co-authored the upcoming book, WHOLE DOG PARENTING: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO RAISE AND TRAIN AN URBAN PUP

Jennifer Wheeler2020-09-28T22:07:43-04:00January 29th, 2019|Nutrition & Recipes|Comments Off on Roast Pork, Apples & Potatoes

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